Getting Started with the Spring Boot Actuator


Spring Boot includes a number of additional features to help you monitor and manage your application when it’s pushed to production. You can choose to manage and monitor your application using HTTP endpoints, with JMX or even by a remote shell (SSH or Telnet). Auditing, health and metrics gathering can be automatically applied to your application. In this article, we will take a look at how to include the actuator in your next project and what endpoints are available. 

Actuator Dependencies

If you look all the way down the list you find the ops category and this is where our Spring Boot Actuator & Actuator Docs dependencies live. 

Actuator Dependencies

If you want to add the actuator and actuator docs to an existing project simply include the following dependencies. 


* Actuator HTTP endpoints are only available with a Spring MVC-based application.

Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints

Actuator endpoints allow you to monitor and interact with your application. Spring Boot includes a number of built-in endpoints and you can also add your own. This means that if you run the application and go to http://localhost:8080/health you will get the health endpoint.  Please create a simple application on your own and trying visiting some of the endpoints. 

IDDescriptionSensitive Default
actuatorProvides a hypermedia-based “discovery page” for the other endpoints. Requires Spring HATEOAS to be on the classpath.true
auditeventsExposes audit events information for the current application.true
autoconfigDisplays an auto-configuration report showing all auto-configuration candidates and the reason why they ‘were’ or ‘were not’ applied.true
beansDisplays a complete list of all the Spring beans in your application.true
configpropsDisplays a collated list of all @ConfigurationProperties .true
dumpPerforms a thread dump.true
envExposes properties from Spring’s ConfigurableEnvironment .true
flywayShows any Flyway database migrations that have been applied.true
healthShows application health information (when the application is secure, a simple ‘status’ when accessed over an unauthenticated connection or full message details when authenticated).false
infoDisplays arbitrary application info.false
loggersShows and modifies the configuration of loggers in the application.true
liquibaseShows any Liquibase database migrations that have been applied.true
metricsShows ‘metrics’ information for the current application.true
mappingsDisplays a collated list of all @RequestMapping paths.true
shutdownAllows the application to be gracefully shutdown (not enabled by default).true
traceDisplays trace information (by default the last 100 HTTP requests).true

If you are using Spring MVC, the following additional endpoints can also be used:

IDDescriptionSensitive Default
docsDisplays documentation, including example requests and responses, for the Actuator’s endpoints. Requires spring-boot-actuator-docs to be on the classpath.false
heapdumpReturns a GZip compressed hprof heap dump file.true
jolokiaExposes JMX beans over HTTP (when Jolokia is on the classpath).true
logfileReturns the contents of the logfile (if logging.file or logging.path properties have been set). Supports the use of the HTTP Range header to retrieve part of the log file’s content.true

Actuator Security

If you tried to visit some of the endpoints you might have received an error that looks like this. 

Actuator Security

This is because by default the /beans endpoint is secured. It might have sensitive information and we wouldn't want this information available to just anyone in production. If you look at the list of endpoints above you can see which ones are secured by default.  If you want to disable the security of these endpoints in development you can do so by adding the following to your file.

Spring Boot Actuator Screencast

I created a short tutorial on everything we walked through in this article.

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