My Weekly(ish) Newsletter.

I started this newsletter as a way to keep myself writing each and every week. I have a blog that I like to write for but a blog post can be a lot of a pressure. This is a no pressure way for me to write and in the meantime connect with you on a weekly basis. Enter your email below to recieve my weekly newsletter every Monday morning.

Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Spring I/O and Video Content

Happy Monday and welcome to another edition of the newsletter. Last time we talked, I mentioned that I was writing a new book but didn’t give you many details. I’m happy to announce that the contracts have been signed and I have begun writing, so I can share a bit more about it now. The name of the book is "Fundamentals of Software Engineering," and I am co-authoring it with my good friend Nate Schutta.

I’m writing my first book and Spring AI 1.0.0 M1 has been released

Happy Monday and welcome to another edition of the newsletter. I know it's been a couple of weeks since you heard from me, but I promise I have some good reasons for that. I’m excited to announce that I have begun writing my first book!

Spring I/0 2024

Happy Monday and welcome to another edition of the newsletter. I just returned from Spring I/O 2024 and I feel rejuvenated in the only way a conference full of passionate Java and Spring developers can do. I work remote, and it isn’t often I get to hang out with many of my coworkers.

GPT-4o and Spring I/O

Happy Monday and welcome to another edition of the newsletter. As I write this on Sunday afternoon the weather here in Northeast Ohio is warming up and its my favorite time of the year. We took the girls to a birthday party today, had lunch by the water and now I’m getting ready for a quick trip to Dallas. I will be in Dallas to give a presentation on Spring AI and immediately following that talk I am giving a virtual presentation on Spring Boot 3.

Spring Office Hours turns 1, Spring I/O and Spring AI

Happy Monday and welcome to another edition of the newsletter. It's being a while since my last update and I apologize for that, but I have been pretty busy with life and work.