HTTP Interfaces, Building a portfolio with Nuxt 3 and KCDC!

Happy Monday and welcome to another edition of the newsletter. Today is Monday, June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, a day to celebrate freedom!

Tomorrow, I will be heading to KCDC, where I will deliver a 4-hour workshop on Getting Started with Spring and a breakout session on Spring Boot 3 and Beyond. If you're attending the conference, please say hello 👋🏻.

HTTP Interface Clients

In last week's newsletter, I mentioned that I recently gave a presentation on Spring Boot 3. During that talk, I received some excellent questions about HTTP interfaces in Spring. This prompted me to do a deeper dive and answer those questions. From this effort, I was able to record, edit, and publish two videos on the topic last week.

Since then, I have received a significant number of questions, which tells me that you are very interested in the topic and how it works. I will do my best to answer them as they come in, but for now, enjoy these tutorials.

NetNinja Series

I recently recorded a new series on how to build a portfolio site with Nuxt 3. I partnered with the NetNinja who has a really great YouTube channel and you can find the first video in that series below. This was an exciting project because you get to build a really cool portfolio using a variety of technologies like Nuxt 3, Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, GraphQL and Nuxt Content. I hope you enjoy this and I would love to hear what you think of it.

Spring Office Hours

In this week's Spring Office Hours Podcast, DaShaun and I discussed a variety of topics, including a great discussion about virtual threads. I’m starting to get really excited about JDK 21 and Spring Framework 6.1 both of which will be released later this year.

SpringOne at VMware Explore

Registration is now open for SpringOne at VMware explore. I invite you to join me at one of the best conferences of the year, where we'll discuss everything Spring. We have some exciting plans for this year's event, and I'm getting really excited about it. If you're curious about the agenda, it has been posted and you can check it out now. I will be giving a talk on GraphQL and Spring Recipes with my friend Nate Schutta.

Around the web

📝 Articles

I really enjoyed this article on Spring Boot 3.1’s ConnectionDetails abstraction. In this article Moritz Halbritter breaks down this new feature and how its powering the new Docker Compose and Testcontainers Dev support in Spring Boot 3.1.

🎬 Videos

I had a lot of fun listening to 2 of my friends chop it up on Tales from the JAR Side with Nate Schutta. I really enjoyed Ken digging into Nate’s story on speaking how he came up with his style of presentations.

🎙 Podcasts

I’m a big fan of the Working code podcast and not just because I happen to know all of the hosts 🤩 In this episode Ben details his process as he is starting from scratch when it comes to building out his new fitness application.

📰 Newsletters

✍️ Quote of the week

🐦 Tweet

“Unfortunately, there seems to be far more opportunity out there than ability.... We should remember that good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation.”

Thomas A. Edison

Until Next Week

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter installment, and I will talk to you in the next one. If you have any links you would like me to include please contact me and I might add them to a future newsletter. I hope you have a great week and as always friends...

Happy Coding
Dan Vega